Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pray for the people inside your head, for they won't be there when you're dead.

Reading always makes me feel like writing. Reading about the lives of more interesting people makes me want to explore what could be potentially interesting about my life. Sometimes that's the case, but sometimes I have a connection with the words on a page, like those words could have come directly from me or directly from someone I know. That's the one thing I love the most about reading; when it feels like home between the covers. When something sounds so familiar that you have to remember that these words are too eloquently used to be yours. I love that, I really do. I wish all aspects of life could be as simple as a good book.

I started Girl, Interrupted today. I'm on page 92 and so far I'm liking the movie better as a whole. However, the book has these few, perfect moments where the words layed out in front of me sound more like my own than Susanna Kaysen's.

Other than that today was a decent day. I got called back for a job and have an interview monday, training tuesday and hopefully a job by the weekend. I'm in a weird place right now, between anxious and tired and I think I'll let the tired side take over. I don't want to spend my night to go to bed early worrying about people and silly things. I want the future now. No more waiting. I don't want to be caught up in tiny things, I want to have my love, a car, a job, and an apartment all now.

I wish I would have "borrowed" another book for Monday.

1 comment:

Briana said...

ohh yay!. im reading girl, interrupted too. i have this sick intrest for mental illness