Friday, January 9, 2009

Cause the same night I dream that I lose you I'll fall in love

So, it turns out I'm not on academic probation and I don't have a limit on my course load this semester. I just want to get through this semester. Maybe I'll go back to college in a few years. I just want to focus on getting a job by...some point. I should set a goal date for that one. But once I do that I can save up to get some crap car, to get to a possibly better job? then I can save up to get my own apartment eventually.

Part of me is excited about school. The only class I'm worried about is black & white photography because I think that will be the hardest one for me. Hopefully the math class I'm taking won't be too bad. I'm not worried about Drawing II. I'm not worried about American History. I'm a little concerned with Sociology, but I took it in high school. So who knows.

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