Wednesday, June 10, 2009

love is drunk and love is blind

It's funny the way things work out. The way the world keeps turning no matter what's going on in your life. It's also strange how much dreams impact and mimic active life, for me at least. I spend nearly all my time either working or sleeping and I'm not necessarily complaining. I've been focusing on moving forward and keeping in the present, rather than living in the past.

I've learned a lot. I've learned a lot about love and what it means and when it's gone. I've learned about friends and who I can depend on. I've learned about trust. I've learned what it feels like to give your all in every sense and I've learned what it feels like to not get anything back. And most importantly I've learned how to kiss ass.

I'm becoming more open. Open to those around me, about the opportunities in which they possess.