It's crazy how time passes by this time of year. As soon as the leaves change it seems like they're making their decent. As much as I love the season I'm not necessarily complaining because I have so much to look forward to. I've become so busy it seems, but again I'm not complaining. I started a new job about a month ago and all is well thus far and in two weeks I'm moving!
My sister is still a fuck up, but her kid's father has custody of them now, thankfully. I decided to give up on her 100 percent. I don't want to see her, talk to her or anything. I'm sure it sounds childish, but the things that happened at my expense as a child tell me that I have every right to be this way. If all that isn't enough, her daughter, my five year old niece has said she saw "mommy put sugar in her nose". So needless to say these kids are in a much healthier environment living with their father, not out of a 2-door Saturn with their mother.
Speaking of this car, my boyfriend is increasingly more wonderful each day and I am beyond thrilled to wake up to that face everyday.
Despite all the good that's happening, sometimes I find myself in these odd moods. They never last long, usually only for an instant. Like right before I wrote this. It's like for one moment all the compassion I held back all these years just comes flooding out and I, only for the briefest moment lose control and cry. It's always for a reason, not just a random bout of crying. For example, I look at a photograph of a stranger's dead father and I lose it. I'm not even sure why. I don't think "that could be my father" I don't know what I think aside from sometimes I think I wouldn't cry at my own father's funeral. But that isn't the point. I'm not sure what the point is here, honestly. I wonder if maybe my wall is coming down around me, the wall I built up from age 7 or so to keep all people out, because no matter who they are, even if they are your sister, mother, father, best friend, lover they all can and will hurt you. I spent my whole life letting not one person in more than a tiny bit. Again, I'm straying.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, after nineteen years, I think I'm learning how to feel. And it's wonderful.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I wrote your letters, I knew your name
It's weird when I think about it. How much we look alike, but how different we really are. We have the same nose, the same ears, and the same eyes, our hair even falls the exact same way, yet somehow we turned out so completely different. We lived the same life and had similar experiences. I used to look up to her like I did no one else. I used to want to be her when I grew up. I even remember trying to go blonde to be more like her. (Needless to say that ended horribly...)
I really don't know what happened. I mean, I know our parents weren't the best. I know they never trusted us or let us have much of a social life. I know all the things they fucked up with. But I also know you, you're my sister. I was there for everything, and I saw it all. So how did I turn out like this, fucked up in my own way, but functional and fully capable? You on the other hand...What happened to you? Why is it that you are destined to fuck yourself over and up no matter what?
I really miss the sister I used to have. Or maybe I miss the idea of a sister I used to have. I don't really know anymore. I drive myself crazy thinking about it. I don't understand how someone can steal from their sister. I work for my things. You claim to have a job and make more than I do, so why is that you need to take my things, money and food from me? Sure, you have two kids, but it's not like you're using the money you take for them and we all know that.
I'm in such a confusing situation right now. In that, I try to believe that everything happens for a reason. And I feel like every experience is a learning experience. With that said, I find it very difficult to realize what it is I'm supposed to be learning from this.
It brings tears to my eyes to think about the conversation I had with your ex-husband. (Isn't it sad, you're 24 and already have an ex-husband?) Regardless, I ran into him the other day and he was telling me about the home videos he had been watching with your kids. He said he could look into your eyes and even on film he could see that you were truly happy. You were so free and at peace with your life and situation. He told me how he will always love you but can't deal with you because you aren't that girl anymore. You're just a hollow shell. And what I can't grasp is why you're so fully content running around with douchebags who just want to fuck you, and know you're easy? Why you think it's okay to smoke a bowl with your kids in the car? Why you do all these stupid fucking things to yourself and your kids and don't even think about it. And that's why I hate you. I will never let you let me down again. I deserve more than anything you've ever given me. And I'm not going to spend my days worrying about my older sister, where she is and if she's going to make it home okay.
I really don't know what happened. I mean, I know our parents weren't the best. I know they never trusted us or let us have much of a social life. I know all the things they fucked up with. But I also know you, you're my sister. I was there for everything, and I saw it all. So how did I turn out like this, fucked up in my own way, but functional and fully capable? You on the other hand...What happened to you? Why is it that you are destined to fuck yourself over and up no matter what?
I really miss the sister I used to have. Or maybe I miss the idea of a sister I used to have. I don't really know anymore. I drive myself crazy thinking about it. I don't understand how someone can steal from their sister. I work for my things. You claim to have a job and make more than I do, so why is that you need to take my things, money and food from me? Sure, you have two kids, but it's not like you're using the money you take for them and we all know that.
I'm in such a confusing situation right now. In that, I try to believe that everything happens for a reason. And I feel like every experience is a learning experience. With that said, I find it very difficult to realize what it is I'm supposed to be learning from this.
It brings tears to my eyes to think about the conversation I had with your ex-husband. (Isn't it sad, you're 24 and already have an ex-husband?) Regardless, I ran into him the other day and he was telling me about the home videos he had been watching with your kids. He said he could look into your eyes and even on film he could see that you were truly happy. You were so free and at peace with your life and situation. He told me how he will always love you but can't deal with you because you aren't that girl anymore. You're just a hollow shell. And what I can't grasp is why you're so fully content running around with douchebags who just want to fuck you, and know you're easy? Why you think it's okay to smoke a bowl with your kids in the car? Why you do all these stupid fucking things to yourself and your kids and don't even think about it. And that's why I hate you. I will never let you let me down again. I deserve more than anything you've ever given me. And I'm not going to spend my days worrying about my older sister, where she is and if she's going to make it home okay.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Hey you, are me, not so pretty
As much as I am so happy, more than happy, honestly with the way that my life is right now I can't help but wish I were getting more out of it. I wish I could just push myself back into that girl who loved to draw and paint. I want to paint anything and everything right now. I want to photograph the beauty around me. I want to plant things and buy flowers. I want to read and learn and look at pretty things. I want to get away! I want to go to the beach and I want to see museums. I want to get my peircings. I always use time as an excuse. Although I know time is the most valuable commodity I can't help but put a good percentage of mine to waste. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I wish I put more into my creative pursuits. I need that outlet in my life to stay focused and feel fulfilled. And after a conversation with the most important person in my life, I realized that I deserve it. I owe it to myself and the people around me to get the most out of my time here.
Monday, August 24, 2009
living in your pre-war apartment, soon to be your post-war apartment.
It's back to school time already! And while I do dearly miss the anticipation of new teachers and learning new things I am so thankful that I'm not going to be wasting my days away in an un-airconditioned classroom at ccc listening to a crazy woman mispronounce the word "Pharoah". Instead I waste my days slicing bologna for women in power carts with cock-eyes and meth scabs.
Regardless of all that, life is constantly looking up each day. Depending on others and have them depend upon you is such a comforting feeling, really. I've made so many memories over the past couple of months it's been amazing.
Regardless of all that, life is constantly looking up each day. Depending on others and have them depend upon you is such a comforting feeling, really. I've made so many memories over the past couple of months it's been amazing.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
and if my daddy thinks I'm fine...
I don't know if it's the fact that I'm listening to so much Amy Winehouse or what has me in this reflective mood, but...oh well here goes.
Well, you said I don't open up to people, so here goes. I don't open up to anyone and that's one of my greatest downfalls. With that said, it doesn't mean that I'm afraid of change or that I don't want to. I've been through a lot in my life, but nothing riveting enough to write a book or go on Oprah. You told me that everyone has self-esteem, it just gets diminished by people and life. Well, I can't recall, even as a child being confident in myself. All I can remember is being constantly teased for the haircut my mom gave me or the giant glasses that devoured my face at age eight. I remember being aware of my body from such a young age. I remember being 10 and comparing myself to all the other girls and remembering how fat and ugly and incomparable I felt in their presence. I'm sure that these behaviors spawned from my mother and sister constantly prodding at themselves and talking about diet pills and unpleasant features.
Moving forward, I vaguely remember middle school because I've successfully blocked that part of my life almost completely out. I just remember only being friends with obese to make myself feel prettier, skinnier, happier. I remember dropping out of honors classes because only the rich, preppy kids were in them and I knew I didn't fit in. I remember my 7th grade English teacher and how she definitely wasn't afraid to let me know this and how I never knew what hate was until I met her.
Once I got to highschool, though I changed. I was bitter and had been scorned one too many times. My second week into Freshman year I tried Somas for the first time. A few months later came a suspension for being caught with them. At this point I was shoplifting anything and everything I wanted, regardless as to whether I had the cash or not. I even had a friend at the gas station up the street from the school who would 'accidentally' leave cigarettes where I could get them. Despite my behavior, my parents never paid enough attention to notice until the suspension and then getting caught shoplifting. They were stupid, though. They always tried to stop me from going places because they thought I'd get drunk and sleep around. Little did they know I drank more under their roof than any other. And boys? Fuck, I was too embarrassed to look in a mirror, let alone let another human see me without clothes.
Life went on and my Sophomore year progressed along with my "bad relationship with food" as it was referred to by all who knew. Once the compliments came, they fueled me. I had never heard them before and I just knew that more people would like me if I were even skinnier! This lead to three years of life revolving around binging, purging, fasts, calories, measuring, scales and the like. When friends got concerned, I ditched them. My parents only comments were my mother telling me I was stupid and we couldn't afford to waste food in this house. Regardless, I dated some idiots, especially ones who didn't help with comments like "are you really going to eat that!?".
And here I stand (or sit...) today. I've seen a few things and lived a little bit, but not as much as most people. I don't really know that much about myself, but I do know a few things. I'm not bitter anymore because I realized life isn't fulfilling when you are. I believe in optimism because I spent too long being pessimistic. I know that I love hard and would move mountains for those I care about and I know that that can get me into trouble. But not as much as my bad timing and the fact that I tell it like it is. I know that I spent far too long caring what others thought about me and that spending my life trying to make other people happy will ultimately lead to my own demise. I know that my life is small and that I will not ever change the world and I am okay with that. What I'm not okay with is knowing that there is so much beauty out there in the world that I will never get to experience it. I know that I appreciate everyday and that everything happens for a reason.
And that's what I know, and that's what I should have told you that night. I'm sorry I don't know what to say at every moment and that I can't promise that I will.
Hold in your breath 'til you come back up in full
Have you ever found yourself just living your life and realized that it's more than what you could have dreamed it would be? Have you ever done, seen, and experienced things that you couldn't ( no matter how simple ) even fathom? If so, then you know what I'm talking about. Otherwise I really hope you get to. Life is grand when you just let go and let it happen. I love when things are like this. When something as simple as realizing how small you are next to a giant wind turbine is the most important thing in the world at that moment. Everything else is pushed aside, back and away for those moments when everything is about you and the person next to you. I love when the stale atmosphere of a hotel room is made to feel like home due to the chemistry of the people in it, and how I never wanted it to end.
Sometimes it scares me, the things I've seen and done and how precious they are to me. I used to carry my camera everywhere I went because I was afraid of someday, suddenly forgetting all I've seen and done and would at least have the photographs to remember. Sometimes I wish I was still so dependent on that lens, because i want to share the beauty I've seen with everyone. At the same time, though, I really just like to hold on to what I've seen, and keep it for myself and the people who've experienced these things right along with me. But I guess that's selfish.
Sometimes it scares me, the things I've seen and done and how precious they are to me. I used to carry my camera everywhere I went because I was afraid of someday, suddenly forgetting all I've seen and done and would at least have the photographs to remember. Sometimes I wish I was still so dependent on that lens, because i want to share the beauty I've seen with everyone. At the same time, though, I really just like to hold on to what I've seen, and keep it for myself and the people who've experienced these things right along with me. But I guess that's selfish.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I catch the rainfall through the leaking roof
It seems like so often lately that my thoughts are so scattered and ridiculous that I can hardly make sense of it myself. It's funny though, this crazy, random, scatter-brained thought process somehow found a way to seep into my Monday night and take control. I had the most ridiculous 12 hours of my life starting with getting a new piercing then venturing to a dive of a strip-club, complete with a pregnant dancer.
Ultimately, it was discovered that spending nearly 8 hours in a little Saturn can lead to a lot of interesting things. What I'm getting at is, life isn't fun unless you make it that way, spontaneous bar outings lead to good things if you let them ( and not so much if you let a drunk girl out of your sight for 'just enough time to smoke a bowl') and, finally, 'do you think that's a diet coke?'
Ultimately, it was discovered that spending nearly 8 hours in a little Saturn can lead to a lot of interesting things. What I'm getting at is, life isn't fun unless you make it that way, spontaneous bar outings lead to good things if you let them ( and not so much if you let a drunk girl out of your sight for 'just enough time to smoke a bowl') and, finally, 'do you think that's a diet coke?'
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
cautions for you, gingerbread
I want to see everything. I want to stay in cheap hotels and go to corny State Fairs.
My books are in the mail. And I'm enjoying my surroundings as much as possible. I can't complain about too much. I read a fact that said "The average person laughs 15 times a day." Days like yesterday make me happy to be above average.
There are days when I can barely keep up, and days, like today where time drags around me.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
We didn't do it for the money, I don't care why
I have such a craving for knowledge and human interaction lately. All I want to do is read a great book with someone and talk about it. I want to take pictures and share the beauty I see with everyone I meet.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
love is drunk and love is blind
It's funny the way things work out. The way the world keeps turning no matter what's going on in your life. It's also strange how much dreams impact and mimic active life, for me at least. I spend nearly all my time either working or sleeping and I'm not necessarily complaining. I've been focusing on moving forward and keeping in the present, rather than living in the past.
I've learned a lot. I've learned a lot about love and what it means and when it's gone. I've learned about friends and who I can depend on. I've learned about trust. I've learned what it feels like to give your all in every sense and I've learned what it feels like to not get anything back. And most importantly I've learned how to kiss ass.
I'm becoming more open. Open to those around me, about the opportunities in which they possess.
I've learned a lot. I've learned a lot about love and what it means and when it's gone. I've learned about friends and who I can depend on. I've learned about trust. I've learned what it feels like to give your all in every sense and I've learned what it feels like to not get anything back. And most importantly I've learned how to kiss ass.
I'm becoming more open. Open to those around me, about the opportunities in which they possess.
Friday, April 17, 2009
so let me down softly this time.
It's pleasant to be so wrapped up in my own little life, it really, truly is. My job is enjoyable, the people I've met there are so vastly different and interesting. Especially one woman who I would love to just keep in my pocket and carry around with me. She's such an amazing person with so much to offer. It's funny too, because I think that she has no idea how much I love to hear her talk about her past and present. She makes me think, causes me to check myself at times and is someone I just love to be around. I think she's what I wish I could be.
This morning I spent an hour and twenty minutes reading the local newspapers and tonight I tracked my spending while eating s'mores pudding. It's like I'm in this happy place in my life right now where I'm realizing that I am capable of adult responsibilites but at the same time I can still have fun and enjoy things. I hope I never outgrow that.
There is one part of me that I feel crawling back into the foreground stronger each day. I'm not sure what exactly triggered it or why, but I think I can approach this in a healthy way.
This morning I spent an hour and twenty minutes reading the local newspapers and tonight I tracked my spending while eating s'mores pudding. It's like I'm in this happy place in my life right now where I'm realizing that I am capable of adult responsibilites but at the same time I can still have fun and enjoy things. I hope I never outgrow that.
There is one part of me that I feel crawling back into the foreground stronger each day. I'm not sure what exactly triggered it or why, but I think I can approach this in a healthy way.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I'll be there as always feet submerged and probably frozen
Just one thing?
If I don't need a piece of paper to prove to myself that I am intelligent, then why do I need one to prove it to others?
If I don't need a piece of paper to prove to myself that I am intelligent, then why do I need one to prove it to others?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I knew the words, but they didn't sink in.
It's weird that I was thinking about it today. I don't even know what sparked it in my mind- no wait I do. I was following a car like the one her parents drive up the hill this morning. It's interesting to think of the way that I impacted the lives so many people. Yes, I realize how completely conceited and ridiculous that sounds. I guess the entire situation just proves that I am not a decent human being. It's not just the way I always put myself down in an effort to be pleasantly surprised. It's just the truth. Some people are good and some people are not. I'm just one of the people who isn't. And don't get me wrong, I've tried to change, I'm always trying to improve upon myself. Anyway, I'm straying from my point. I'm not sorry for what I did. I mean I guess I really shouldn't have to be sorry. I had no idea how many layers there were in the whole situation. But that's not an excuse, really.
Five months ago I came into the picture, knocking it off the wall. I fucked up their happy little fucked up world even more. Not a day can go by without he or I thinking of her. Her possessions still litter the apartment they once shared. Her scent still lingers in that stale air. Her impression has been made on both of us in different ways.
Still, though. When I let my mind wander to these places I feel a sense of power. And that's how I know that I'm not a good person, I'm just not meant to be a kindhearted individual. Meanness and spite are just embedded so deeply into me that I don't think I can change it. It's just how I am and how I am meant to be, niceness from me is foreign, often forced, and sometimes faked. It's like how you can look at a little kid. When you look into the face of a child you're supposed to see softness and innocence. But sometimes you just don't. You can tell when a child is mean-spirited, it shows all over their face. Adults learn to hide their true selves. But children, children can't. They're honest no matter what, even if they don't mean to be.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Hide out from the ones you know will love you
Despite the contradiction that is life, today was a better day. I made a successful use of my time today and I'm pleased with that.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I used to be free spirited, now I'm just free of sleep
I don't understand this. I never thought I would be the one who was turned on by and who had to turn on my family. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was supposed to be the one he liked. But now, over a job, over a motherfucking job everything is different. He's the only person who doesn't think it's a good thing. I'm so angry I can feel it in my body. I am this close to just giving up and walking away.
I know life isn't fair and we can't always have things our way, but this is unfair and I can't back down. I would never forgive myself. I need this.
I just. I can't even form another sentence right now. I have the urge to purge like no one would believe right now.
I know life isn't fair and we can't always have things our way, but this is unfair and I can't back down. I would never forgive myself. I need this.
I just. I can't even form another sentence right now. I have the urge to purge like no one would believe right now.
tegan and sara,
what the fuck
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Too many people have crumbled apart in my hand
If everything that I do is wrong, or doesn't make anyone happy then is it selfish of me to just give up and do what makes me happy? Apparently so. And the fact that I do care that I can't make everyone happy, what does that say about me? Why do I care?
My father always told me to do whatever made me happy in life, but even as a child I knew that what he really meant was "you can do whatever you want if it makes me happy, if it's something I can brag about to people at work and the neighbours." I always knew that it wasn't about what I wanted.
Especially after watching the way he was with my sister. She took cosmetology classes in high school because that's what she wanted to do, that's what made her happy. But that wasn't good enough for him. No one she ever dated was good enough either. And no one ever will be.
There is absolutely no way to make that man completely proud...unless you're my brother. Everything he touches is gold. Everything he does is right.
I don't want to care. But I do and I don't know why. I know for a fact that he will never be proud of me in whatever I do. He says I'm lazy, but then when I have an interview for a job he tells me I'm going to school and there is no way for me to work. I'm selfish if I want to work, but I'm lazy if I don't work. Everything is like this. Everything is a contradiction.
I know that there is no way to make everyone around me happy. I know that. I'm to the point where I just want to do what makes me and the people or person I consider important to me happy.
And my mother, she has no friends of her own or anyone to spend time with. Well, I'm not the one who let my marriage get so distance. That isn't my fault. I'm not the one who let money tear my relationship apart. And it isn't fair that I am made to feel guilty when I want to go somewhere with my friends. I shouldn't be treated like a piece of shit because I stayed out until 7pm with my sister.
Nothing can please her either. She just wants me to stay home forever, and it just pushes me further away.
I just don't understand.
My father always told me to do whatever made me happy in life, but even as a child I knew that what he really meant was "you can do whatever you want if it makes me happy, if it's something I can brag about to people at work and the neighbours." I always knew that it wasn't about what I wanted.
Especially after watching the way he was with my sister. She took cosmetology classes in high school because that's what she wanted to do, that's what made her happy. But that wasn't good enough for him. No one she ever dated was good enough either. And no one ever will be.
There is absolutely no way to make that man completely proud...unless you're my brother. Everything he touches is gold. Everything he does is right.
I don't want to care. But I do and I don't know why. I know for a fact that he will never be proud of me in whatever I do. He says I'm lazy, but then when I have an interview for a job he tells me I'm going to school and there is no way for me to work. I'm selfish if I want to work, but I'm lazy if I don't work. Everything is like this. Everything is a contradiction.
I know that there is no way to make everyone around me happy. I know that. I'm to the point where I just want to do what makes me and the people or person I consider important to me happy.
And my mother, she has no friends of her own or anyone to spend time with. Well, I'm not the one who let my marriage get so distance. That isn't my fault. I'm not the one who let money tear my relationship apart. And it isn't fair that I am made to feel guilty when I want to go somewhere with my friends. I shouldn't be treated like a piece of shit because I stayed out until 7pm with my sister.
Nothing can please her either. She just wants me to stay home forever, and it just pushes me further away.
I just don't understand.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Pray for the people inside your head, for they won't be there when you're dead.
Reading always makes me feel like writing. Reading about the lives of more interesting people makes me want to explore what could be potentially interesting about my life. Sometimes that's the case, but sometimes I have a connection with the words on a page, like those words could have come directly from me or directly from someone I know. That's the one thing I love the most about reading; when it feels like home between the covers. When something sounds so familiar that you have to remember that these words are too eloquently used to be yours. I love that, I really do. I wish all aspects of life could be as simple as a good book.
I started Girl, Interrupted today. I'm on page 92 and so far I'm liking the movie better as a whole. However, the book has these few, perfect moments where the words layed out in front of me sound more like my own than Susanna Kaysen's.
Other than that today was a decent day. I got called back for a job and have an interview monday, training tuesday and hopefully a job by the weekend. I'm in a weird place right now, between anxious and tired and I think I'll let the tired side take over. I don't want to spend my night to go to bed early worrying about people and silly things. I want the future now. No more waiting. I don't want to be caught up in tiny things, I want to have my love, a car, a job, and an apartment all now.
I wish I would have "borrowed" another book for Monday.
I started Girl, Interrupted today. I'm on page 92 and so far I'm liking the movie better as a whole. However, the book has these few, perfect moments where the words layed out in front of me sound more like my own than Susanna Kaysen's.
Other than that today was a decent day. I got called back for a job and have an interview monday, training tuesday and hopefully a job by the weekend. I'm in a weird place right now, between anxious and tired and I think I'll let the tired side take over. I don't want to spend my night to go to bed early worrying about people and silly things. I want the future now. No more waiting. I don't want to be caught up in tiny things, I want to have my love, a car, a job, and an apartment all now.
I wish I would have "borrowed" another book for Monday.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
A gift to the gutter, a gift to the city the veins of which have broken me down
My goal is to remain positive. Despite the fact that I am watching myself fuck up. No place will call me back for a job and I'm barely hanging on in school. I'm willing to push away all people in my life aside from the one who means the most. Aside from this I am trying to be a positive person. Or maybe I'm not. I don't know, if I'm not then I want to be. I just want to fast-forward. Have a job, get a cozy little place and live. I realize it's not going to be perfect, it's going to be stressful, but I need this challenge to prove things to myself like that I can survive on my own. I just want a job! Even Wal*Mart doesn't call me back. My standards are quickly dropping towards fast food. At this point I hardly care. A paycheck is a paycheck.
I just want to be away from this city. I hate it here. I hate the people. I hate the buildings. I hate everything. I get angry everytime I think about it. I hate how familiar I am with everyone in this shithole. I can't go anywhere without seeing some that I went to high school with, someone who my sister got high with, one of my old friend's exes, one of my parent's co-workers, someone who can't believe how Allie's grandaughter has grown up, someone who did me wrong, someone who i have done wrong, someone who says "you're Sara, right?", someone who forgot about me but I remember calling me a cow in middle school. All of these people and so many more.
I just want to get away. I don't even want to go that far. It just seems that a town an hour away has so much more opportunity for me. I don't want to abandon this place forever. I want to come back someday and show my children all the hidden pleasantries that are here. But right now the only thing I have gained from this town is a bad attitude and a bitter taste in my mouth.
I just want to be away from this city. I hate it here. I hate the people. I hate the buildings. I hate everything. I get angry everytime I think about it. I hate how familiar I am with everyone in this shithole. I can't go anywhere without seeing some that I went to high school with, someone who my sister got high with, one of my old friend's exes, one of my parent's co-workers, someone who can't believe how Allie's grandaughter has grown up, someone who did me wrong, someone who i have done wrong, someone who says "you're Sara, right?", someone who forgot about me but I remember calling me a cow in middle school. All of these people and so many more.
I just want to get away. I don't even want to go that far. It just seems that a town an hour away has so much more opportunity for me. I don't want to abandon this place forever. I want to come back someday and show my children all the hidden pleasantries that are here. But right now the only thing I have gained from this town is a bad attitude and a bitter taste in my mouth.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I've seen your face in every goddamn state
Today has been one of , if not the most up and down days of my life. What crazy circumstances to meet someone in, seriously. All in all though I think today was a good day. Not like a happy good day, but a good day in that things were talked about and addressed that needed to be brought up. My brain is recalling all of the days happenings and they're swirling around in there faster than my fingers can type them. I am so physically exhausted and yet there's so much I want to say. I'm so scared of how sure I am about some things, but at the same time I have to much to take in and contemplate.
If I have one thing I need to say though, it's thank you. Thank you for being there, you're the most important person in my whole life and I love you and need you like I will never love or need another person.
I hope I never figure out who broke your heart
I can't wait until we can get away. Get away and be free of all the drama that surrounds this town. Be free of the people who define themselves by what you once were.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
what happened to this girl?
"i miss the friendship we used to have. i miss the days when you would come over late at night, and we would flush our cares away with trips to the only store in town. i miss all of the things we used to do together, all of the shit that shouldn't really matter now, but as far as i am concerned, it still does. i am sorry i pushed you away. i did it before you could get a chance to do it to me - well, anymore than you already had. i'm so sorry."
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Never once heard you say "I need you" I don't need you.
I knew it would come. I knew that when I said I only had one person in the entire world that I could ever trust I was right. I wish the world weren't like this, I wish people could just be honest and open with the people they label 'friend'. I just feel like everything I do is wrong. I don't speak my mind and I hold everything in until I explode and that's bad, but if I say how someone or something makes me feel it's like I've done something wrong there as well. I want to forget everyone I don't need. Pack up, and pretend I never met them. Although I did make some needed amends tonight I feel the final threads of a past friendship tearing away. And I'm so 50-50 about it. Like, maybe I should go and try to stitch up things where I can, but at the same it's like friendships are burden to me right now. Other people have so much baggage that leads to so much unneeded outside stress. I just don't know what to do. I only truly know one person. Maybe that's all I need. Maybe that's what I want. But why?
I just don't know.
I think I'm going to start a flicker again, I miss taking pictures.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I cannot keep up, treading on people's toes
If I've learned anything in the past few days it's this: I don't care about people and I need not let those who are not vital to my existence get in the way of my happiness. I love my boyfriend and I need the other few people who are essential to me. I'm just going to forget every face that ever made me unhappy. I never met these people. I just want to move on and I don't know another way to make me able to grow as a person. And that's one of the only things I want right now; person growth.
Monday, February 9, 2009
well if you think that im lying why would i give up trying ?
Everything bothers me. I let every tiny little thing get under my skin and I don't know how to change that. It doesn't help that I can't stop eating.
I don't like this idea of a letter. I hope it's one of those things he talks about and just forgets about. I hope, I hope, I hope. My whole day was basically shit though. I dyed my hair Little Mermaid red and only two people noticed. My drawing teacher still refuses to look me in the eye or offer any suggestions when it comes to the portraiture. I feel like every pretty girl around me is competition. I'm fat and disgusting with bad skin. But when I voice my feelings of inadequacy I get laughed at and called over-dramatic. But I take that stuff so seriously. I can't help it. Struggling through an eating disorder for over three years will make your self image low. Of all people I expect him to get that. My old friends are refusing to be flexible to make plans. I feel like no one cares. Is it better or worse with no friends? I can't tell.
Apparently, I just handle every situation wrong. I let a group of people who don't matter bring me down and I can't fix that. I try to work on it and my only friend left makes me feel like I am immature and ridiculous. She's completely unfair and I can't trust her for a second. I thought I used to but I think I just wanted to convince myself that I had a girl I could lean on. But I don't. I never have. I let my sister's choice of my neighbour over me bother me to no end. It's unfair because I am her sister. I'm real and I'm there. But I guess I don't have a car so I'm not good enough. I don't get high so I'm not cool enough. I don't drink with people 7 years younger than me so I'm not good enough. I'm never good enough. I couldn't even draw decently today. 2 hours and 40 minutes on one piece and it looks like straight shit. I mean what do I have when the one thing I am capable of, the one thing that isn't a person that makes me feel like I am important. The one thing that sometime convinces me I have talent falls through? I see everything around me crumbling and I'm too apathetic to do anything about it. And honestly that's really scary.
I think the only conclusion I have right now is that I have no fucking idea what's going on in the world around me.
I just want someone to agree with me on something. Not every conversation has to be a debate. Not everything that I say is so outlandish and abnormal that I am completely unrelatable.
It's times like these that make me think that maybe some kind of outside counselling would be beneficiary. But then I consider the lives of those around me and realize that I'm stupid and any problem that I have is ridiculous. But I can't help it. I know it might be ridiculous but sometimes I just feel like people expect so much of me. Even total strangers. I will never live up to anyone's expectations. Not even my own.
I don't like this idea of a letter. I hope it's one of those things he talks about and just forgets about. I hope, I hope, I hope. My whole day was basically shit though. I dyed my hair Little Mermaid red and only two people noticed. My drawing teacher still refuses to look me in the eye or offer any suggestions when it comes to the portraiture. I feel like every pretty girl around me is competition. I'm fat and disgusting with bad skin. But when I voice my feelings of inadequacy I get laughed at and called over-dramatic. But I take that stuff so seriously. I can't help it. Struggling through an eating disorder for over three years will make your self image low. Of all people I expect him to get that. My old friends are refusing to be flexible to make plans. I feel like no one cares. Is it better or worse with no friends? I can't tell.
Apparently, I just handle every situation wrong. I let a group of people who don't matter bring me down and I can't fix that. I try to work on it and my only friend left makes me feel like I am immature and ridiculous. She's completely unfair and I can't trust her for a second. I thought I used to but I think I just wanted to convince myself that I had a girl I could lean on. But I don't. I never have. I let my sister's choice of my neighbour over me bother me to no end. It's unfair because I am her sister. I'm real and I'm there. But I guess I don't have a car so I'm not good enough. I don't get high so I'm not cool enough. I don't drink with people 7 years younger than me so I'm not good enough. I'm never good enough. I couldn't even draw decently today. 2 hours and 40 minutes on one piece and it looks like straight shit. I mean what do I have when the one thing I am capable of, the one thing that isn't a person that makes me feel like I am important. The one thing that sometime convinces me I have talent falls through? I see everything around me crumbling and I'm too apathetic to do anything about it. And honestly that's really scary.
I think the only conclusion I have right now is that I have no fucking idea what's going on in the world around me.
I just want someone to agree with me on something. Not every conversation has to be a debate. Not everything that I say is so outlandish and abnormal that I am completely unrelatable.
It's times like these that make me think that maybe some kind of outside counselling would be beneficiary. But then I consider the lives of those around me and realize that I'm stupid and any problem that I have is ridiculous. But I can't help it. I know it might be ridiculous but sometimes I just feel like people expect so much of me. Even total strangers. I will never live up to anyone's expectations. Not even my own.
Friday, February 6, 2009
What a typically shit thing to do
I don't get it. I just do not fucking get it. I DID NOTHING. I did motherfucking nothing to these people. Yet they seem to base their entire existence on making me feel uncomfortable. I just cannot wrap my mind why they cannot let things go. I came into a situation that I knew very little about initially. A relationship that wasn't quite so. And I get blamed for his being drawn to something new. I get blamed for her mental breakdown. I get blamed and I didn't even do anything. He gets blamed for branching out. His benefits to her are overlooked and only the bad is focused on. And this was October. We've moved on so why can't you? I don't get it. Are you trying to make us as miserable and lonely as the lot of you?
I just don't understand. The amount of shit that has been talked about every member of that group by every member of that group.
The girl who can't think for herself. The woman who acts like a girl and likes to pretend she knows everything about everything. The boy who is a child trying to impress a group of college students.
Why does the world have to be like this? It makes me feel like I am regressing. I got to where I didn't care about these people. But suddenly they have to bring me into their lives. Only when they know I' m alone. Only to try and fuck with me. And why me? I don't understand what either of us did to be treated like we are less than a person.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
If the cold doesn't kill her money will

I'm almost cool...
Anyway, aside from encounters with the hipster kind today was a more cheerful day. More cheerful meaning I didn't have to see any people who stress me out, I only had two classes, I got to chat with an old friend for a while which was nice and appreciatively not awkward.
I dropped sociology so now I'm a part-time student and...full-time fuck up...yay for me. I don't know though, I just have no ambition. I finally went to Drawing II and got to draw real models which was nice. Although, Dave wouldn't look me in the eye and it really hurt my feelings. A stern talking to would have been more appreciated, but what can I do?
Nothing. Past is past.
Even earlier today is gone. That last minute is gone. The time it took me to type this. The past seconds. Everyone slipping away and what am I doing with them? Wasting time. I will never get this moment of time back and how am I spending it? On my bed typing to a blog I write to no one taking hipster pictures of myself. Maybe I'm silly or maybe silly is a nice way to say fucking up the best years of my life.
It's not all bad though. I could be in a worse situation. I could be lonely, in a crowd of people who are fake. I could be pretending I am something I'm not to fit into a group. To impress whom?
Sigh, I'm just ranting again.
My point is I believe that as soon as I get a job and out of Corning I will be spending my time more wisely and making the most out of what I have. Love. And that's something people kill for, so I should be thankful.
It's just that sometimes when I feel thankful I don't know who to feel thankful at? I don't believe in any higher power so I feel cheesey or fake feeling thankful.
I know that sounds ridiculous. I should be thankful to him for walking into my life. And I am don't get me wrong. I don't know. I never know. I can never be 100% certain with myself about anything.
I'm almost cool...
Anyway, aside from encounters with the hipster kind today was a more cheerful day. More cheerful meaning I didn't have to see any people who stress me out, I only had two classes, I got to chat with an old friend for a while which was nice and appreciatively not awkward.
I dropped sociology so now I'm a part-time student and...full-time fuck up...yay for me. I don't know though, I just have no ambition. I finally went to Drawing II and got to draw real models which was nice. Although, Dave wouldn't look me in the eye and it really hurt my feelings. A stern talking to would have been more appreciated, but what can I do?
Nothing. Past is past.
Even earlier today is gone. That last minute is gone. The time it took me to type this. The past seconds. Everyone slipping away and what am I doing with them? Wasting time. I will never get this moment of time back and how am I spending it? On my bed typing to a blog I write to no one taking hipster pictures of myself. Maybe I'm silly or maybe silly is a nice way to say fucking up the best years of my life.
It's not all bad though. I could be in a worse situation. I could be lonely, in a crowd of people who are fake. I could be pretending I am something I'm not to fit into a group. To impress whom?
Sigh, I'm just ranting again.
My point is I believe that as soon as I get a job and out of Corning I will be spending my time more wisely and making the most out of what I have. Love. And that's something people kill for, so I should be thankful.
It's just that sometimes when I feel thankful I don't know who to feel thankful at? I don't believe in any higher power so I feel cheesey or fake feeling thankful.
I know that sounds ridiculous. I should be thankful to him for walking into my life. And I am don't get me wrong. I don't know. I never know. I can never be 100% certain with myself about anything.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I'm the first to admit that I'm still pretty young, and I never meant to hurt you.
Sometimes I think everyone around me forgets that I am only 18. And it's like no matter what when there is any kind of a fuck up it's always mine. I can't even tell the people closest to me when I'm sad because then it makes everything worse. I mean even I forget that I'm so young to have so much on me at once. It's like when you don't see someone for a really long time and then when you do they look so old. I feel like that with myself. I haven't seen who I am in a long time, I kind of just grew into a new person and didn't notice until today. I saw myself for the first time in a few months.
Everyone seems to think it's so wrong when I do something stupid or immature. It's like no one remembers that I am young and it isn't like I ever promised to be mature. I never said I was a good person. I never even promised to be decent. I know I'm not.
Oh, and by the way: I hope you all die, every single one of you. I hate you so much for the way you make college feel like middle school and for all the shit you put him through.
Everyone seems to think it's so wrong when I do something stupid or immature. It's like no one remembers that I am young and it isn't like I ever promised to be mature. I never said I was a good person. I never even promised to be decent. I know I'm not.
Oh, and by the way: I hope you all die, every single one of you. I hate you so much for the way you make college feel like middle school and for all the shit you put him through.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I'll pull your crooked teeth, you'll be perfect just like me.
I've had such pleasant dreams lately. So much so that I wish so hard that they were real when I wake up. It's not even like they're unattainable, I just keep dreaming of an apartment on a hill, constantly happy taking pictures and playing house.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I thought romance was pretty...
Where I am is a mystery to myself and those around me. Not physically but mentally, although I wish I were anywhere but here. Gone, lost but found at the same time. Found in love and happiness. I'm just so up or so down right now. And when I'm neutral I'm not because i'm anxious and confused. I'm worrying about everything.
It's like there's so much going on around me and I can't focus on one thing. I'm restless and barely awake.
I feel like life is escaping me. And I feel like every decision I make is the wrong one. I can never say or do the right thing.
It's like there's so much going on around me and I can't focus on one thing. I'm restless and barely awake.
I feel like life is escaping me. And I feel like every decision I make is the wrong one. I can never say or do the right thing.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Cause the same night I dream that I lose you I'll fall in love
So, it turns out I'm not on academic probation and I don't have a limit on my course load this semester. I just want to get through this semester. Maybe I'll go back to college in a few years. I just want to focus on getting a job by...some point. I should set a goal date for that one. But once I do that I can save up to get some crap car, to get to a possibly better job? then I can save up to get my own apartment eventually.
Part of me is excited about school. The only class I'm worried about is black & white photography because I think that will be the hardest one for me. Hopefully the math class I'm taking won't be too bad. I'm not worried about Drawing II. I'm not worried about American History. I'm a little concerned with Sociology, but I took it in high school. So who knows.
Part of me is excited about school. The only class I'm worried about is black & white photography because I think that will be the hardest one for me. Hopefully the math class I'm taking won't be too bad. I'm not worried about Drawing II. I'm not worried about American History. I'm a little concerned with Sociology, but I took it in high school. So who knows.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Give me a reason to make me smile, 'cause I think I forgot how
Last night I dreamed that I found everything I ever lost. I had a dream I wasn't sleeping alone. I had a dream I packed up everything I owned. Three separate dreams. I wish they were reality. Or at least that I could keep dreaming until the 12th.
I received somewhat of a verbal bitch-slap this morning. One that if I had committed I would be scolded for. Oh, well. I'm hard to live with I guess. Actually, no. That's for certain. One of the few things I can be certain about these days. My apathetic approach to everything kind of hit me last night and I had a bit of breakdown. However, I buried my feelings away in mad libs (hahahah). Then the aforementioned bitch-slap and I kind of lost it again. I just don't see why I should be treated like that, all I'm doing is missing you? Whatever I guess. I don't really know what to do when I'm left out of contact and it's hard to keep myself entertained.
I received somewhat of a verbal bitch-slap this morning. One that if I had committed I would be scolded for. Oh, well. I'm hard to live with I guess. Actually, no. That's for certain. One of the few things I can be certain about these days. My apathetic approach to everything kind of hit me last night and I had a bit of breakdown. However, I buried my feelings away in mad libs (hahahah). Then the aforementioned bitch-slap and I kind of lost it again. I just don't see why I should be treated like that, all I'm doing is missing you? Whatever I guess. I don't really know what to do when I'm left out of contact and it's hard to keep myself entertained.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
We can all be free, maybe not with words.
Does pudding evaporate? Seriously. I had this cup of pudding sitting on my new Hello Kitty toaster (still in the box). One day last week while I was really sick, I accidentally knocked it over and it fell down the box. Admittedly, it was pretty disgusting; it looked like someone had "an accident" on the box. Anyway, I woke up this morning and most of the pudding isn't there anymore? I know that no one came in and cleaned it. I know that neither of the cats licked it up because they aren't allowed in the bedroom. I know I didn't clean it. So that only leads to one thing: the pudding evaporated...or dissolved or something. Needless to say I'm a bit concerned.
Monday, January 5, 2009
'Cause it's been ten days without you in my reach, and the only time I've touched you is in my sleep.
try to keep warm. try to keep awake. try to keep happy. try to keep occupied.
tomorrow' s kind of an important day. well, at least it is to me. he might not have a clue, but that doesn't even make me sad. maybe if i didn't miss him so much it would, i don't know. i guess three months isn't that long anyway. only what? 90-ish days? i could spend so much time with him that 90 days doesn't seem like anything. so much has happened since october. i can't even remember the person that i used to be.
tomorrow' s kind of an important day. well, at least it is to me. he might not have a clue, but that doesn't even make me sad. maybe if i didn't miss him so much it would, i don't know. i guess three months isn't that long anyway. only what? 90-ish days? i could spend so much time with him that 90 days doesn't seem like anything. so much has happened since october. i can't even remember the person that i used to be.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I'm madly in love with you and it's not because of your brains or personality
I'm tired of break. I need something to occupy my time. I finished The Catcher in the Rye. I can't download any new music until 2:am. I have one person who's been talking to me all day.
Nothing thrills me anymore.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
I'm not living, I'm just killing time
I don't really have anything interesting to complain about tonight. But I suppose it isn't fair of me to only come here when I need to cry about this or that. I started reading The Catcher in the Rye a little this evening and I'm on page 62 right now. I'm liking it I'm just trying to read it slow to try to digest it rather than just breezing through it. Despite what Caitlin says "dont read too much into it, its just some depressed 14 year old..." I don't know, though. Reading is a pretty healthy way for me to pass my time. It's nice to get lost in the life of someone else for a change.
I've been on this Tegan & Sara kick for a week. I don't know where it came from.
Other than that I've been considering the past and my former friends even more. I get aggravated when I see my former best friend of three years wearing my scarf. How can you even look at something of mine when I know the hateful things you say about me? I don't know. I really don't understand people. I guess that's something that bothers me, the fact that I can't control everyone.
I don't know though. I'm probably going to read more of this book while I'm still into it. I hope this is one I can finish.
catcher in the rye,
Friday, January 2, 2009
Take me by the hand and tell me you would take me anywhere
I don't know what to think about a lot of things anymore. But on the other hand, with the other half of my life everything seems perfectly in order. Perfectly in place; perfectly perfect. The other side though, the side I've been considering greatly since we hung out Wednesday afternoon. I don't understand when my friends became the girls they were that day. The easy going happy go lucky girl with a bit of a wild streak is suddenly dull and grey, easily angered not amused. The one I was closest to seems to be pushing at me to let go of a friendship that's hanging on by threads as we speak. The nerdy little one I could always count on is so grown-up. I don't understand how I've missed so much in three months? I know I have changed it's true but I know the way I have changed is definitely for the better.
Who are my friends anymore? I have my boyfriend and I have one other person. Those are the only people who I really know. Those are the only people who I can talk to seriously anymore. I just don't know what to do or how to act. It's such an unsettling feeling knowing that I don't know hardly anyone anymore.
Who are my friends anymore? I have my boyfriend and I have one other person. Those are the only people who I really know. Those are the only people who I can talk to seriously anymore. I just don't know what to do or how to act. It's such an unsettling feeling knowing that I don't know hardly anyone anymore.
tegan and sara,
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